If you’ve been hesitant to book a boudoir session with me because…because…because…I want you to take a moment and read over this Elizabeth’s interview, because I think you’ll find you can relate to her worries. Elizabeth has an amazing smile, a fantastic shape, and these big, friendly eyes. But she kept getting in her own way, by which I mean, she didn’t believe she was all of these wonderful things and this caused her to have a difficult time relaxing and just enjoy the experience. It wasn’t until she finally saw her images that finally the lightbulb went off and she was like, ‘Oh, wow. I AM beautiful. And this was a lot of fun!’

The two images Elizabeth gave me permission to use in this blog are the final edits, but I started showing my clients the unedited images at their reveal because I want them to see how stunning they are without post-production. It’s amazing what professional hair/makeup do, how a well-fitting wardrobe can help shape you, and how proper lighting/posing will bring it all together.

You’ll also find I’ve sprinkled another client’s images throughout the post.

How long have you been wanting to do a boudoir/contemporary glamour session and what made you decide now was the time to do one?
I’m an impulse shopper! I hadn’t thought much about doing a session until I sent a sexy selfie to my boyfriend and he really liked it. That made me think that he’d love a boudoir photo (I didn’t realize I could get a whole book!). We are together just over a year and he has a birthday coming up, so the time was right.

Boudoir Photographer York PA Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

What made you decide Shannon Hemauer was the photographer to work with to do your boudoir/contemporary glamour session?
When I called Shannon, she was so friendly and helpful. We had a couple laughs on that first call and she had such a lovely demeanor I knew I would be comfortable working with her. It also didn’t hurt that her work featured on her website is beautiful.

What was your favorite part out of the entire experience? The planning, the session, the reveal?
I liked the planning best. Shannon forced me out of my comfort zone with my lingerie choices and was very helpful as we got nearer to my session date—answering all my questions and giving me honest feedback on the outfits I’d selected.

I liked the session and  the reveal, but I was so nervous for both of those that I forgot to really enjoy them, and I’m a little mad at myself for that. So if I may, I will offer this advice to anyone considering doing a shoot: Relax! You are in good hands! People will say that all over the blog and Facebook page, and they’re right. It was hard for me to not feel self-conscious at the start of the session, but as we progressed I found I was really enjoying it. You’ll probably have to do something that is a little uncomfortable physically (it’s work posing properly!) or that challenges the way you will let others see you. But it may be the only time you ever do this kind of photo shoot, so make a nice memory out of it. Check all your “I’m too-” sentences at the door: I’m too old. I’m too heavy. I’m too self-conscious. I’m too ugly. (There, I said it. I thought it.) Maybe what you are is too hard on yourself. That’s what I think now.

My advice for the reveal session would be the same—relax and take a breath. Go through the pictures once, take a beat, and go through them a second time with your self-doubt pushed aside.

Curvy Girl Boudoir Photoshoot Carlisle PA Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Did you leave your session worried about your hair/makeup (Maybe you thought the makeup was too dark or your hair didn’t look like you.)?
The makeup did seem a little dark, but I asked to be a little glammed up. At first, I thought my hair didn’t look like me, but we played around with it a little and in the photos it looked great. I felt a little bad when I left, because I felt like I was driving [lead stylist] Nath crazy with my hair. But she is very patient and in the end, it looked fantastic in the pictures so she was right.  Stick with Nath.  She’s the bomb.

Did you leave your session worried that the posing felt awkward?
I was worried during the session about how awkward the posing felt, but I was confident that Shannon knew what she was doing, so I didn’t give it much thought after. During the session, I was thinking “how on earth is this going to look normal;  I would never stand like this.” But as it turned out, just like the hair, and makeup, and outfits, it all looked great in production.

Curvy Girl Boudoir Pictures Shannon Hemauer Photography near Scranton PA Shannon Hemauer
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

What were you more nervous about—the session or the reveal?
The reveal. No doubt.

After all our planning and chatting, I got excited  about my session in the days leading up to it. I felt prepared. I did the pinning Shannon had asked me to do, I worked with her on my outfits, I was excited for hair and makeup. I got super nervous on the drive to Shannon’s studio, but lightened up as the shoot went on.  However, as soon as I was done with the session, I immediately started to feel nervous about the reveal. When I got to Shannon’s studio for the reveal the first thing I told her was that I thought I might cry. I’m not sure why; it’s my reaction to everything. But we went through my [reveal] movie and she had set it to some pretty upbeat music, and after our first run through I felt very happy. Then, when we went back to review the pictures to talk about what to keep and what to toss, I started to like them more and more. But I was definitely more nervous pre-reveal.

Boudoir Photographer Shannon Hemauer Photography near Reading PA Shannon Hemauer
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Did you arrive to the reveal worried if you’d like your images?
Yes. I was very nervous. I would say that on average in life outside the boudoir, I like about one out of every ten pictures of myself. I had prepaid for ten and the [phone gallery] app, so my prayer of prayers was that I would find ten I liked. I ordered 25.

It’s also helpful at the reveal that Shannon makes you tell her why you don’t like the pictures you don’t like. It makes you take a good look at them. You may like them after all. And if it’s some weird little thing—like a pimple or a bruise or an eyebrow—Shannon can probably fix it.

What did you think when you saw that first image of yourself?
I will admit, my very first feeling was relief. And the urge to cry passed. And then, as we went through the movie, I found I liked them more and more. I think I actually said “that’s a good picture of me” once or twice. I never say that.

Curvy Boudoir Photography Shannon Hemauer Photography near Scranton PA Shannon Hemauer
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

If you had been worried about the hair/makeup/posing, did you like what you saw in your portraits?
I definitely saw how what felt [like] extreme [poising] in the studio translated to great pictures. Everything that felt exaggerated—my ‘do, my face, the positions—all looked great in the photos.

How did shooting this session with Shannon Hemauer change your outlook on yourself? Are you more confident?
I think I am definitely feeling a little more fierce after my reveal! I think that seeing the unedited photos has a lot to do with it, too. I was sure I would die of mortification if I saw an unedited photo of my backside, but I think it ended up looking pretty good.

I have also been thinking a lot about something Shannon says when you talk to her about the whole boudoir experience—that women don’t realize that the right light and the right posing can make us all look great. So maybe what we all need to do it think of ourselves in that new light, so to speak.

Before this experience, did you feel you were photogenic? If no, do you feel you are photogenic now?
I never thought I was photogenic. I could take a picture of myself and find flaws from top to bottom.  Now I think with the right light and the right posing, I photograph pretty nicely.

Curvy Woman Sexy Photographers near Scranton PA Shannon Hemauer
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Before this experience, what concerns did you have in regards to hiring a photographer?
I worried a little bit about feeling comfortable in this particular photography setting. I don’t think I could strip down to my skivvies and let just anyone take pictures of me. But talking to Shannon and seeing her work, I knew I selected a professional as well as someone I could feel comfortable with.

Were you surprised at how much fun you had planning your session, shooting your session, and seeing your images?
It is a lot of fun, and I am surprised by that. When I first booked, I had a split second of buyer’s remorse. I thought “Oh God, what have I signed up for?!” But then once I started to work with Shannon on the planning, it turned out to be a great experience. Even the session and the reveal were fun once I relaxed and just went with it.

Why should other women do a boudoir/contemporary glamour session with Shannon Hemauer Photography?
First of all, it’s fun. Even though I had my stressful moments, the whole thing was fun. And I think it can only help improve your self-confidence. I think women look at themselves and go immediately to what they hate. But Shannon will help redirect your eye to what’s beautiful about you. And if you can just keep a little bit of that with you every day, I think your self-confidence will grow. I think we all need to stop with the negativity. We women say things about ourselves that we would never say to, or about, another person. Get a look at yourself through someone else’s lens and find something nice to say about yourself for a change.

Curvy Girl Boudoir Photoshoot Central PA Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Is there anything I could have done to improve upon your experience?
I wish you let me have a beer. Seriously, though, I think the experience was better than I would have ever imagined. [Note from Shannon: While I don’t let clients drink during a session, you can certainly visit our soon-coming tap room and enjoy a well-crafted brew at Hemauer Brewing Co.!]

Anyone else find Elizabeth’s quote, “Check all your “I’m too-” sentences at the door: I’m too old. I’m too heavy. I’m too self-conscious. I’m too ugly. Maybe what you are is too hard on yourself. That’s what I think now.” to be powerful? Can you relate? If yes, contact me today to schedule your phone consult to discuss how you want to be photographed.

A big thank you to lead stylist, Nath, for doing a great job on both ladies’ hair/makeup, and to Dianna for assisting.

Contact me today to schedule your phone consult!

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