Client Interview: Miss N

Miss N is a very talented makeup artist who has a gift of using makeup to flatter women’s features. For her own session, Miss N used her talents upon herself…and then let me work my own magic.

How long have you been waiting to do a boudoir session and what made you decide now was the time to do one?
I have been waiting for several years to do one but could never find the courage and kept saying that I need to lose a few more pounds. I met Shannon following an end to a long-term relationship and realized now was a better time ever when I was feeling most empowered.

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

What made you decide I was the photographer to work with to do your boudoir session?
I have worked alongside you and I have been part of the experience, saw your personal interaction and saw the work you’ve has done following the photo shoot.

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

What was your favorite part out of the entire experience? The planning, the session, the reveal?
My favorite part was the planning and the prepping to the very end at the reveal. It was so exciting to see myself in professional photography format, like a magazine spread!

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

What did you think when you saw that first image of yourself?
I thought how talented are you to capture me so beautifully.

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

How did shooting this session with me change your outlook on yourself? Are you more confident?
I am much more confident but more importantly I know how to pose for everyday photos now so that I always look flattering.

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Were you surprised at how much fun you had planning your session, shooting your session, and seeing your images?
Planning and prepping was one of my favorite parts of the service, from email inspirations to creating our own private Pinterest board and then of course the photo shoot itself was eye opening.

Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography
Boudoir | Shannon Hemauer Photography

Why should other women do a boudoir or glamour session with me?
To get a boudoir session is empowering and a flattering experience in and of itself. But to have Shannon as your photographer makes it professional and artistic!


Until next time,


Client Interview: Miss N

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